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BETA Ver. 0.1
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その後、Studio the Futureはシンプルなサウンドトラックを作成し、フッテージを編集し、見つかったさまざまなアーカイブフッテージをスプライスしてフィルムにオーバーレイしました。


The two videos in the series “Letters from Ojika” were made for the Ojika Artist in Island 2020-2021 Program. Not being able to visit Ojika for the residency, Studio The Future wanted to still somehow capture and share their warm and nostalgic associations with life in Ojika Town.

To do this, 2 local residents (Hamada Yume and Yokoyama Eiji) were asked to write a letter to someone. They were then requested to read the letters while being filmed.

Studio the Future then made a simple soundtrack and edited the footage, splicing in and overlaying different found archival footage into the films.

All base footage of the letters being read was filmed by the Hoteiza Team in Ojika.

Work Process
Letter Contents / 手紙の内容


グレイスの家庭でお世話になってもうすぐ2年が経つね。 元気にしてますか?





Dear Grace,
Long time no see!
It's been two years since I stayed with you and your family. How is everyone? How is the situation with Corona in the UK?From what I've seen on TV, it seems pretty bad.

As for me, I'm doing great and am enjoying life on the small island where I live and go to school. The sea here is very beautiful, and we get a lot of tourists in summer. The island's nature is abundant, and people are very friendly too. I wish you visit me someday. We have lots of catching up to do!

The future is uncertain (with Corona and such) but let's stay hopeful and make sure to meet again.

Take care until then!


















I know this is out of the blue, but I'm writing this letter to you.

We first met about sixty years ago at the entrance ceremony of a catholic kindergarten. It was a new kindergarten and I think there were only 13 children in our class: 9 boys and 4 girls. If I remember correctly, we were in the Ume ("Plum" in Japanese) class. 

The things I am going to write in this letter are just me putting the pieces of my memory together. I apologize if I fail to remember some things correctly. 

The one year we spent at the kindergarten was fun. During the storytelling time, we'd rush to the bookshelf to grab our favorite picture book. In the art class, we painted warships and battle planes, even though we had never been to or seen the battlefield. It was a Catholic kindergarten, and before eating our lunch we'd thank God and parents in our prayers. In the school play, I was the shepherd of Bethlehem.

The kindergarten building still remains. Three of our "Plum" classmates have passed away and the whereabouts of a few others are unknown. Still, I hope that one day we can take a group photo in front of the kindergarten building with our remaining classmates. 

After starting elementary school I was excited to receive my first ever report card. I went to show it to my kindergarten teacher Mr. Tanaka right away. Once we became elementary school students I'd often come over to your house. I still remember the soothing scenery of rice paddies and fields from your second-floor window. On my way to your place, I would pass by the Bandake mountain. The mountain's side facing the school is overgrown now, but back in the day, it was a cattle pasture where we used to slide down the grass slope on our handmade sleds.

In middle school, we started to play with students from other classes. Besides the regular club activities, we were allowed to join some extra clubs. So in my first year of middle school, I joined the basketball club in hopes of growing a little taller (there wasn't any improvement in the height department, unfortunately). In the second grade of middle school, you asked me to join the science club together. Even though I wanted to join another club, I couldn't say no to you. When you changed schools I didn't see why I should stay in the science club. But then the teacher told me, that once you start something you must finish it, so I ended up staying. Club activities included collecting groundwater from a well in each district to measure the salt level. We did meteorological observations too. Eventually, I made new friends and began to enjoy the club. It was all thanks to you.

Toshiya-kun, until this day, I feel sorry for not being able to see you off the day you left the island. When you came back to visit once in high school, together with some friends I went over to see you. There was not enough time, however, and I've always felt regretful about it.

I heard you went to Kagoshima university (I bet you studied science) and moved to the Kanto region after graduation. That's all I know about your life since we parted ways. In my heart, you've always remained a young boy. I wish to see you again but after the 50 years spent apart, I'm afraid I'll be at loss for words. I begin to wonder if it's better to leave things as they are now...and yet, I still dream about taking a group photo with you.

With Corona, the future of our society has become uncertain. But I pray that the days when people in Ojika, Japan, as well as all around the world can be at peace are not far away. 

Let the spring storm blow Corona away!

Toshiya-kun, I wish you to be happy now and forever!

Your friend